Writer and editor of Get Informed!
SVB's beginnings were humble. Born and raised on an Amish farm in Pennsylvania, she packed her
bags and moved to the big city of Tampa, FL at 20 to begin college and the next phase of her life as a member of the 21st
century. Although it took some time for her not to hit the ground every time the phone rang, she slowly but surely got the
hang of technology. "It took me awhile to stop talking back to the television," said SVB. "But after I saw Julia Roberts die
on TBS' premiere of Steel Magnolias and then saw her later on E! I realized that it wasn't real." Aside from discovering
the phone and television, SVB has also discovered what she considers the best invention of all time--the internet. "I haven't
slept since I moved to Tampa!" exclaimed the sleep-deprived, yet still extremely upbeat, SVB. "I mean, why sleep when you
can see the weather in your hometown in real time! This is great!" Since moving, she has constantly been emailing her family
back in Pennsylvania but wonders why they won't write back.
I need more writers!! Buffy and I can't do it alone!
What you lookin' at, biotch? |
Buffy the Lawn Gnome
Official mascot of Get Informed!
Buffy, the official mascot of Get Informed!, hails from Prince Edward Island, Canada a place he considers
the original "hood" (whatever that means). Don't be fooled by Buffy's gentle looks; this is one bad-ass gnome who posesses
a sharp tongue and quick wit. Oh yeah, and he also claims to be able to kick the Travelocity lawn gnome's ass. His turn-ons
include blankets and tall women.